ZOO 14. University Zoology
Course Description: Integrative analysis of processes and mechanisms shaping animal life.
5 hrs (2 class, 3 lab)
Pre-requisite: none
Semester Offered: 1, 2
ZOO 117. Developmental Zoology
Course Description: Patterns of growth, differentiation, and morphogenesis from molecule to organism; control mechanisms of development; animal life cycles. 5 hrs (2 class, 3 lab)
Pre-requisite: BIO 101
Semester Offered: 1, 2
Course Description: Systematics, ecology and evolutionary relationships of invertebrates.
5 hrs (2 class, 3 lab)
Pre-requisite: ZOO 14
Semester Offered: 2
Course Description: Morpho-taxonomy, ecology and physiology of different molluscan classes with emphasis on economically and medically important species. 5 hrs (2 class, 3 lab)
Pre-requisite: ZOO 14
Semester Offered: 1
ZOO 242. Advanced Invertebrate Biology
Course Description: Recent advances in the biology of invertebrates with emphasis on
the free-living form. 3 hrs class
Pre-requisite: ZOO 14 or ZOO 142
Semester Offered: 2
Course Description: Concepts and theories in understanding global patterns of distribution of
wild animals. 3 hrs class
Pre-requisite: ZOO 140 & 150 or WLDL 101 & 150 or COI*
Semester Offered: 1
Course Description: Mollusks of medical and economic importance. 5 hrs (2 class, 3 lab)
Pre-requisite: ZOO 160 or COI*
Semester Offered: 1
ZOO 291. Graduate Special Topics in Zoology (Island Zoology)
Course Description: Ecology, evolution and conservation of animals on islands. 3 hrs class
Pre-requisite: ZOO 150 and BIO 140 or COI
Semester Offered: 2
Course Description: Interactions of biota with polluted environment. 3 hrs class
Pre-requisite: BIO 150 or COI
Semester Offered: 1
BIO 199. Undergraduate Seminar
Course Description: Interactions of biota with polluted environment. 3 hrs class
Pre-requisite: BIO 150 or COI
Semester Offered: 1
*consent of the instructor